Sworn, Notarised, or Apostilled Translations of Legal Documentation.
The service is completed with delivery to the Embassy or Consulate, managed by us with authorisations.
List of sworn documents:
- Sworn, notarised, or apostilled translations of vehicle registration booklets
- Sworn, notarised, or apostilled translations of vehicle radiation certificates
- Sworn, notarised, or apostilled translations of driver’s license conversions
- Sworn, notarised, or apostilled translations of vehicle registration certificates
- Sworn, notarised, or apostilled translations of license plate returns
- Sworn, notarised, or apostilled translations in foreign languages of sales powers of attorney
- Sworn, notarised, or apostilled translations in foreign languages of wills
- Sworn, notarised, or apostilled translations in foreign languages of international adoptions
- Sworn, notarised, or apostilled translations of death certificates
- Sworn, notarised, or apostilled translations of birth certificates
- Sworn, notarised, or apostilled translations of marriage certificates
- Sworn, notarised, or apostilled translations of divorce certificates
- Sworn, notarised, or apostilled translations of criminal records
- Sworn, notarised, or apostilled translations of pending charges
- Sworn, notarised, or apostilled translations of civil status
- Sworn, notarised, or apostilled translations of residence
- Sworn, notarised, or apostilled translations of citizenship
- Sworn, notarised, or apostilled translations of family status
- Sworn, notarised, or apostilled translations of identity cards
- Sworn, notarised, or apostilled translations of passports
- Sworn, notarised, or apostilled translations of driver’s licenses
- Sworn, notarised, or apostilled translations of payslips
- Sworn, notarised, or apostilled translations of medical certificates
- Sworn, notarised, or apostilled translations of clinical analyses
- Sworn, notarised, or apostilled translations of medical reports
- Sworn, notarised, or apostilled translations of clinical diagnoses
- Sworn, notarised, or apostilled translations of nationality declarations

Sworn Translations
Le traduzioni giurate sono uno degli strumenti a disposizione delle aziende
necessari per il processo preparatorio all’entrata nei Mercati Esteri